Friday, September 17, 2010

Why you shouldn't help an alligator!

A Florida man’s attempt to help an injured 8-foot alligator resulted in him being bitten on the arm and the reptile being euthanized. Alexander Alcantare spotted the reptile Sunday in a canal behind his Miami home with an arrow lodged in its head. He attempted to drag the gator to shore to see if someone could remove the arrow. The alligator bit Alcantare on the arm on the way to shore, but it didn’t stop him from bringing the reptile to a secure location. However, wildlife officials responded to Alcantare’s call and informed him the animal would be euthanized due to its size and because it bit a human. Alcantare was also issued a ticket for illegally catching an alligator. I can just hear the guy now... "but I wasn't trying to CATCH it!" LOL!

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