Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Space Beer???

The first beer certified for consumption in space will undergo tests in weightlessness to see if it has the right stuff. Testing for the new space beer is set to begin in November on board Zero Gravity Corporation’s modified Boeing aircraft, which conducts a series of parabolic arcs that simulates an environment of weightlessness. Astronauts4Hire, a non-profit space research corporation, will conduct the tests on an Australian beer that has been brewed specifically for easy drinking in both microgravity environments, as well as here on Earth. British billionaire Richard Branson told businessmen in Kuala Lumpur on Monday that Virgin Galactic is just 18 months away from taking commercial passengers to space and he has visions of hotels. Over 330 people have put down deposits amounting to $45 million in anticipation of claiming their seats on the Virgin Galactic ship.
Thats almost 15 Billion dollars between 330 people!?!?!?!?

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