Saturday, June 12, 2010


I hate moving. I haven't had to do it for quite some time. I guess the moving part is easy it's just the packing that's tedious. You never really realize how much stuff you have until you have to fit it into an unknown amount of boxes. I feel like I have too many boxes and things around the house don't seem to be reducing at any rate. I also never realized how many pictures I have up on the walls. It seems like all the boxes I have packed are just pictures sheesh will I ever make it to the meat of the project????? What am I supposed to do with the really big ones that don't seem to fit into any box? Maybe I should give up blogging and take up ranting... is that what I am doing? I am never sure. I know that I have no followers yet so this is more of that theraputic journaling I have read so much about. It's funny because I think all the time in my head ooh I should blog about that, yeah, that would be interesting but by the time I hit the computer it's gone. I can't seem to stay on one subject for long anyway. My life is so full right now with work, graduations, birthdays, work, packing, moving preparation other than packing, work, Kristophers last day of school is fast approaching, all the things I want to do in the yard at the new house and WORK. Well I think I have emptied my head for the moment. I apologize if someone actually reads this one and hope for more interesting content tomorrow or sometime really. I think I might spend some time tomorrow on kids and the things they do.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why can't I catch you TIME!?!?!

All I want to do is post some fun and witty life changing blogs LOL. but I never have more than a minute just enough time to blog about why I can't blog... Wait that doesn't make sense....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So I am officially blogging eh?

Hmmmmmm Well I am new to all of this, but I can say here are some blogs to come;
Why aren't Bathrooms soundproof?????
Green = $Green$
My weight <-- yes I will bored you with this LOL!
and other things I find to be of interest...